QUICKSTEP The Ballroom Dance Orchestra

Odświeżone: Wtorek, 12 Marzec, 2024  17:24
10 zł

Szczegóły ogłoszenia

  • Kategoria: Muzyka / Płyty CD
  • Stan:Używane
  • Możliwy odbiór osobisty

Opis oferty

These beautifully-recorded strict tempo favourites from The Ballroom Dance Orchestra are guaranteed to satisfy the musical requirements of dancers on all levels of expertise. Whether you re dancing at competition standard, or just delighting in the modest joy of sharing the floor with a partner, then this series, featuring all the main ballroom dances and variants, is exactly what you need.

1. When You Wish Upon A Star
2. It"s A Hap Happy Day
3. Moonlight Avanue
4. Give A Little Whistle
5. You"Re Dancing On My Heart
6. In The Middle Of A Dream
7. Where Or When
8. Chicago
9. An Apple For The Teacher
10. Begin The Beguine
11. Medley In The Still Of The Night
A Walk In The Black Forest
L.A. International Airport
12. Don"t Say Goodbye
13. There. Will Never Be Another You
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